RIS Definitions

How to find a definition on this website?

There are several ways to find a definition.

  • You click on the letter of the alphabet, which may the first letter of the term, for which you would like to find a definition. By doing so, a list will come up with all the terms for which a definition is provided. By clicking on one of those terms, its definition will be shown. Below the definition, you will find also the source for this definition and the categories, to which the definition belongs to.

Alphabetical search:

  • You enter the term for which you would like to find a definition. After you have pressed enter on your keyboard, a list will come up with all definitions containing this term. In case there is no definition with this term, no list will come up.

Enter term:

  • You click on the category, for which you would like to find a definition. By doing so, a list will come up with all the terms for which a definition is provided within this category.
  • To display all the definitions -> link.