RIS Definitions

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Last updated: 31.03.2021

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Interoperability means that services, data contents, data exchange formats and frequencies are harmonised in such a way that RIS users have access to the same services and information.

(Source: RIS-directive 2005/44/EC)

Previous definition(s)

Interoperability means the ability of two or more devices to exchange information and use that information for correct co-operation. (Source: International Electro technical Commission)
Interoperability refers to the ability of a transport network to operate trains and infrastructures to provide, accept and use services so exchanged without any substantial change in functionality or performance. This ability rests on all the regulatory, technical and operational conditions which must be met in order to satisfy all the defined requirements applicable to the given grade of automation taking into account grade of line, irrespective of which supplier provides which components or systems. (Source: International Electro Technical Commission)

General Definitions of Reference Data


Interoperability is the ability of two or more devices to exchange information and use that information for correct co-operation.

(Source: International Electrotechnical Commission)

General RIS Definitions